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A list of the most important Moves in Ironsworn: Starforged RPG.

The moves are listed in a recommended order of learning, as a one-page "Soft-starter" cheatsheet, aimed especially at players new to the game. 

  • Phase 0: Throughout the whole game, whenever you like, and whenever you feel like missing some inspiration, even instead of doing any moves at all, you can always Ask The Oracle as many times as you like. This includes arbitrarily deciding on anything, but also rolling, re-rolling, and just choosing from among many available Oracles. The most generic and universal Oracles are the pairs of: Action plus Theme for (usually) more active stuff, and: Descriptor plus Focus for (usually) more passive stuff.
  • Phase I: You could play the whole game with only a single Face Danger move!
  • Phase II: The Secure An Advantage move is the core complimentary move for low-risk preparations.
  • Phase III: The Swear An Iron Vow move + related Quest moves form the core dynamic of the Ironsworn series of games. The Reach A Milestone move is very important among them, and very easy to forget, so it was emphasized through wrapping in a box.
  • Phase IV: Those moves expand the Phase I+II moves. A successful roll on the Gather Information move can be elaborated using the Story Clue oracle from the Miscellaneous set of oracles.
  • Phase V: the V-A, V-B, and V-C sets of moves expand various common progressions in the game (Connection, Exploration, Combat). Notably V-B and V-C come with "compressed", simplified moves: Set A Course (when the path is known), and Battle (when the combat is not worth long narrative exposure).
  • Phase VI: the Suffer moves and some oracles can be used as alternatives to the Pay The Price move (which is often referenced by other moves on a miss). Notably, the Pay The Price move itself comes with a built-in "oracle" table as well. It is important to note, that it's perfectly fine, and even recommended, to use a narrative consequence (such as introducing some uncomfortable truth) most often rather than a "mechanical" one (such as reducing stats like Momentum or Health).
  • Phase VII: the Recover moves can be used to replenish exhausted resources and stats.
  • Phase VIII: the Session moves are worth knowing and can be used to improve the meta quality of the solo gameplay.
  • Phase IX*: the Scene Challenges rules are a not-well-known set of moves, described in "Section 3. Codex" of the Starforged Reference Guide (pg. 123), and in the "Clocks" sub-section of "Chapter 3. Gameplay In Depth" of the Starforged Rulebook (pg. 239). They are an optional approach for longer non-combat challenges (examples could include: a long political debate; a chase; a visit at an important ballroom dance party; etc.)

At the bottom, two extra guides are added:

  • a general aid for interpreting the roll results: a success, a weak hit, and a miss;
  • the numbers of ticks to cross-off when progressing on tracks of various difficulty ranks.

I hope you'll find it similarly useful as I do. I wish you a good time with the game!

Note: the Starforged Moves Starter does not cover 100% all of Starforged moves. It concerns itself with the ones used most often and to be learned first. The assumption is, once you start feeling comfortable and familiar among those, and you start understanding the core game structure, and you no longer feel so overwhelmed by all of them, you'll eventually review the full list in the Reference Guide and discover the remaining ones and when to use them. (Notably omitted are e.g.: Threshold Moves, Legacy Moves.) It also omits some moves that are called out ("linked") from the text of other moves (e.g. Make A Discovery or Confront Chaos).

Updated 7 days ago
CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(4 total ratings)
Tagsironsworn, One-page, starforged, Tabletop role-playing game


Starforged-Moves-Starter-v2.pdf 97 kB
Starforged-Moves-Starter-v1.pdf 92 kB

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what happened to the Fate moves?

(3 edits)


I actually ended up adding the Fate moves into the diagram; thanks for the suggestion and inspiration! I put Ask The Oracle in new “Phase 0”, and kinda emphasized parts of Pay The Price in “Phase VI Suffer” a bit more.

Original reply:

As to Pay The Price, as far as I understand it’s referenced from other Moves, so I assumed it doesn’t need a special entry, because it’ll be found through those other Moves. I also mention it near the Suffer Moves section’s title. Does one ever use Pay The Price in some situation other than when explicitly asked so by an outcome of another move? 🤔

As to Ask The Oracle, to me it seems mostly obvious; do you think of an argument that might support adding it somewhere in the diagram for some specific reason? Do you think it is not so obvious?

Notably, I also skipped Legacy Moves and Threshold Moves, as I feel they’re very rarely used and as such don’t need to be on a starter diagram.

On the other hand, recently I’m starting to wonder if I should try and include the Scene Challenges Moves 🤔

Well done. This is rulebook material.

(2 edits) (+1)

Thank you so much for the good words, that’s very kind of you and nice to hear! 💖

This is quality work friend. There's def. a crowd of folks who say "there are too many rules in Starforged!" and I think there's a subset of that group who truly want to learn but aren't sure how to break it down like you have here. Well done!

Thank you so very much for the kind words! 💖